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Investigative draping full course

Courses by level:    Basic draping     Intermediate draping     Advanced draping     Complete couture draping    


Investigative draping:   Balenciaga cocoon dress   Balenciaga S-seam coaYve Saint Laurent Tuxedo jacket    

Dior bar jacket    Wing pleat hourglass dress  Investigative draping full course


Other draping courses:   Shawl collar garment   Corset draping&design


Ultimate draping course   


Courses by garment:   Skirts draping     Dresses  draping     Jackets draping     Collars draping

The very nature of our draping workshops and courses is exploration. Exploration itself is never ending travel into yet unknown territory which brings to explorer necessary skills to keep up with the quest.

The Investigative draping online course gives students the unique opportunity to master their draping skills. This course leads to discover the draping approaches and some technical secrets of "iconic" designers. Moreover, through such a discovery students can foment their creative ability to invent and execute own original designs.


The course is addressed to anyone from amateur to professional.


Investigative Draping course has 5 units, which comes to 5 assignments:


Balenciaga cocoon dress

Balenciaga S-seam coat

Tuxedo jacket

Dior bar jacket

Wing pleat hourglass dress


In this course the students get:

- two years, 24/7 access to detailed video lessons

- 12.5 hours of record

- Elena's support and feedback

- certification which helps many students to progress in their carrier or apply to renown fashion schools.

Price: 962 $USD

Balenciaga cocoon dress draping
Balenciaga S-seam coat draping course
Tailored jacket draping
Dior bar jacket draping course
Wing-pleat hourglass dress draping course by Elena Ryleeva
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