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 Ultimate draping course

Courses by level:    Basic draping     Intermediate draping     Advanced draping     Complete couture draping    


Investigative draping:   Balenciaga cocoon dress    Balenciaga S-seam coat   Yve Saint Laurent Tuxedo jacket    

Dior bar jacket   Wing pleat hourglass dress   Investigative draping full course


Other draping courses:   Shawl collar garment    Corset draping&design


Ultimate draping course


Courses by garment:   Skirts draping     Dresses  draping     Jackets draping     Collars draping

"As of now the "Ultimate draping" presents all draping courses that I have recorded so far. Needless to say they are the result of my intensive work during the last 7 years and generally of my whole professional journey as well. No doubts I put a great value in this work as it is summing up my extensive experience in the field and therefore enabling to help students in the most effective way possible" 

Elena, course creator, EWST fashionlab founder


This course covers all aspects of fashion draping from the beginner level to advanced and progressing further to investigating the methods and techniques of draping couture masterpieces:


The Ultimate draping course is divided into three fundamental parts: Couture draping, Investigative draping and Corset draping. Couture draping covers all stages of fashion draping from Basic to Advanced so students have an opportunity to study draping methods from scratch, steadily mastering their skills. Each level consists of six to seven units whereas each unit is represented by one particular approach assigned to the specific draping task. All course video-lessons present detailed demonstrations where particular topics and technical steps are thoroughly explained.

Investigative draping is an advanced course which consists of five projects\units.  Each project can be studied separately yet together all five form cohesive learning from which students can get a comprehensive insight of master approaches to the fashion garments composition.

Distinctive Corset draping & design course stands for itself as it is introduced in the context of design exclusively. Video lessons are circumstantial fully addressing all steps and tricks of corset draping process and



Complete Couture draping

Basic draping

Intermediate draping

Advanced draping

Investigative draping

Balenciaga cocoon dress

Balenciaga S-seam coat

Dior bar jacket

Tuxedo jacket

Wing-pleat hourglass dress

Corset draping &design

Garment with shawl collar


In this course the students get

- 3 years, 24/7 access to detailed video lessons

- 56 hours of record

- Elena's support and feedback

- certification which helps many students to progress in their carrier or apply to renown fashion schools.

Price: 2420 $USD

Complete couture draping course
Investigative fashion draping online course
Corset draping online course
Draping a garment with shawl collar course
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